
According to these people, one needn't care for the "second person" of the English language, if that person is out of the close circles of one's family. Because they think if you care and help for that person, it means, you will lose marks, you will waste precious time of your own, that person will learn everything from you and leave you in the dark and so on and so forth. Some of you will know exactly what I am talking about.
These people tend to influence you to the extent that they almost dictate how you should be, how you should not mingle with others unless you gain information and not to share information that you know. The second person 'You' , is according to them is someone whom one shouldn't trust as they never mean to do good to you. This is the environment in which some unfortunate souls grow up and thereby grow up not knowing the value of friendship at the right age and don't belong to friends of their own age. Thus being singled out, and spending time in loneliness with academics being the only pursuit of life, such souls achieve great heights as expected out of them. But however all those wonderful years of fun, frolic and laughter that should have been spent in the innocent ways of growing up are lost and you finally end up as a person who has achieved something without any 'You' standing beside 'Me' and wishing luck.
Quoting one of my teachers, you tend to be alone while standing at the very top. Some people do this because they are so self-centered, and some do it because of certain people as explained and they can't give up on those certain people at any point of time. Effectively, I would like to observe that by considering 'You' an insignifcant word, you end up being overprotective of yourself instead of just letting yourself experience whatever life offers to you and making the best out of it. For all those wannabe parents around, including friends of my own, I just have this piece of advice to offer, let your children experience life of fun and laughter with friends rather being all alone with books and great achievements to name.
According to my personal view, the word 'You' offers a special meaning to one's life, it is this word which teaches us to care and share with people everything in life be it happy moments or sad moments. Though having had a tough time to balance my emotions to include 'You' into my life and also listen to the words of those people who don't believe in 'You', I have grown to learn that 'You' is as important a word in life, in fact even more than 'Me'. Well, I think being a festive season, it has gotten into me to write this topic with a holiday touch. So as I close, the deeds of caring and sharing which heralds the spirit of the holiday season, always signifies the word 'You' first other than 'Me'.